Vision 16

Vision 16 is a plan concretely making sixteen harvesting campaigns and Fire Conferences per year in unreached places in the 10/40 Window. Vision 16 makes our dream at winning millions of people for heaven possible. Together we can make Vision 16 possible.

Background to Vision 16

On November 2011 while traveling home from a mission trip to South Asia, Marcus met a businessman from Holland in the queue at the security check. As they began to talk, Marcus noticed that the man smelled both of alcohol and smoke, and used bad language. The man was a successful and passionate businessman who sold textiles in the two biggest countries in Asia. He made sixteen business trips a year to these two countries.

Marcus thought to himself, how could this man travel that much? The man spoke and said, “If you are passionate and dedicated you can do anything. Doing business with cloth is my passion and I have devoted my life to it!” Meeting such a passionate man who doesn’t even know God and is not driven by God’s motives or calling, but only by career and money, was a great eye opener to Marcus. He thought; “If this man can give his life for a worldly career how much more could I give everything for the calling of God to reach the unreached?

Vision 16 is born

Later when Marcus took his seat on the airplane God spoke to him: “I want you to believe me for sixteen Gospel Campaigns and Fire Conferences every year in unreached and needy places.” This was not only a thought or an idea but a direct word from heaven to Marcus’ heart. This was a God given mandate and a heavenly vision. Marcus immediately started to write the vision down and make plans according to what God had spoken. His whole being rejoiced, his faith increased and his passion for Jesus and the Gospel ignited with a burning fire. Marcus could now see how the calling to world missions he had carried within him since his twenties, became a strategy to accomplish this call, and Vision 16 was born.

Vision 16 is a plan, which includes sixteen Gospel Campaigns and Fire Conferences to be conducted every year in unreached and needy places in the 10/40 window – from West Africa in the west to Japan in the east. In this 10/40 window according to Joshua Project there are today 2.9 billion unreached people. Read more about the 10/40 window here:

Vision 16 makes our dream possible

Vision 16 makes our dream of winning millions of people for heaven possible. We have by God’s favor and leading developed relationships with national coordinators and partners in ministry who share our passion and are working side by side with us. They are waiting for us that we should come and preach in their countries and help them reap the multitudes of lost and unreached people. While we are working with our existing trustworthy coordinators, we are always asking God in accordance with Psalms 2:8 that God will give us the nations for our inheritance. We knock on more doors to many unreached countries to open. We believe that before Jesus comes back, all tribes, people groups and nations will to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ with miracles following. This is Vision 16 – the full gospel with miracles to all peoples, nations and tribes so that the Great Commission will be completed!


Vision 16 needs partners

Now, for Vision 16 to be fulfilled we need more intercessors and financial partners who through their prayers and giving will team up with Good News To All People. We are praying for a team of 1000 partners, intercessors and financial supporters who will become a vital part of Vision 16. We can and we will fulfill Vision 16 together as we stand shoulder-to- shoulder and each one do what we can for the Great Commission.

Vision 16 follows Jesus’ model to preach strategically in the cities that need the Gospel the most. Jesus say in Luke 4:43: “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.”

Many generations of missionaries and evangelists have gone before us and have taken the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. Now you and I have received the baton to finish what Jesus started 2000 years ago. We are now running the Final lap of the Great Commission.